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September 24, 2024

Winners And Losers Have The Same Goals

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So much of personal development is built around goal-setting. And necessarily so, goals are absolutely critical because they outline the desired outcome and help you orient your actions around making progress toward it. But it’s the action that really matters. Everything in your personal development, from increasing awareness, to setting up your environment, to building habits, to setting goals, are all in service of helping you do one thing…

Consistently taking high-quality and result-producing action.

James Clear, the author of ‘Atomic Habits’, is known for saying “Winners and losers have the same goals.” It’s true. It’s easy to set a goal but it’s much, much harder to bring yourself to doing the right things that are required to achieve it. Having a goal doesn't separate those who succeed from those who don’t.

Again, it’s all about taking action. If you want to reach your goals, and experience the health, lifestyle, impact, and fulfillment that you think will come with it, you need to do something about it.

When it comes to taking action many people focus on being more disciplined and using their will-power to be consistent. This leads to a secondary hyper-focus on creating habits, and manufacturing those habits through will alone until it ingrains. But I think that’s misguided as well because your will isn’t strong enough to overcome all of the challenges you’ll face on your way to solidifying a habit. 

However, what you can do instead is be intentional about what you use your will on so that you can be better prepared to push through obstacles when they arise.

The best thing to invest your will into is building systems. A system is a reproducible way of doing something. It simplifies the process of what is required as an input to create a certain output, helping you to be more efficient with your time and energy. Systems create leverage and support you in following through on taking action even when it’s harder to. 

This full thought collects into one of James Clear’s most famous quotes - “We do not rise to the level of our goals, we fall to the level of our systems”. Systems make it easier to be consistent with your actions and build habits. Systems work behind the influence of your daily choices. Systems are the real driving force of high-performance.

I can personally attest to it. I use something I call the Super Habits System to support me in being consistent, accountable, disciplined, and fired up about my life! And if you want to raise your standards and learn more about how to incorporate this high performance system to your life for yourself in just 21 days, check it out!

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