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February 8, 2021

The Anti-Fragile Mindset with Brian Johnson

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This mindset is a total game-changer for me. My intention for 2021 is to get uncomfortable and I’m getting really intentional about stepping outside of my comfort zone as often as I can. Shared by Brian Johnson, the anti-fragile mindset really embodies how to make the most of leaving your comfort zone. It's the growth you can experience by doing things differently and putting yourself out there.


The anti-fragile mindset is about reframing difficulties and obstacles to see them as fuel for your growth. With this mindset you can embrace challenge to create opportunity for yourself, and strengthen the way you relate to life’s circumstances. I’m using anti-fragility in a few ways. First with my cold shower routine, I have started smiling in the cold because I feel myself growing through the pain. Also, when someone tells me “No”. In the face of rejection I have learned to pull the benefit out of it, trusting that the experience is preparing me for something bigger. 

It’s unnatural to do, but when you start inviting challenges in your life instead of running from them, you begin to accelerate on your path toward excellence.

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