Run From the Catalyst, Run Toward the Dream with Shane Sams
I wanted to feature a really important message that was central to the conversation I had with Shane Sams, the founder of Flipped Lifestyle and our next SISD guest. As we get into in the interview, Shane went through some major pain and hurt to discover what he wanted and needed to do with his life. His story is powerful and I encourage you to tune in for the full conversation. All you need to know is that this pain fueled his desire to make a change. As he puts it, that’s the catalyst, but that’s not enough, you need to see the dream too. And that’s what Shane did.
If you want to make a change, you need to be motivated to do it and you need to be prompted into action, and if that change is big and sustainable it needs to be a sustained motivation. Then, if you actually want to make it happen, and realize the dream, you need to learn how to do it. Watching and learning from other people who have done it can be the template to get started to creating it for yourself.