Improve Your Habits And Healthy Lifestyle
As part of the Self Improvement Fast Track series, today I want to elaborate on the first reason why people like you choose to invest time in self-improvement, which is because they have unhealthy habits or lifestyle.
These are people who recognize that they’re not working out consistently, they don’t make the best food choices, and/or they’re not getting enough sleep. They’re motivated to change it because they recognize the consequences of how it impacts their daily energy levels, their ability to manage stress, their own feelings of vitality, and their self-confidence.
Maybe they’re holding on to some extra weight that they gained... They’re not able to keep up with others... Or they’re chronically tired with brain fog causing them to miss out on being present for important moments (or underperform at work). It can be really frustrating to know that you’re capable of so much more but your mind and body are holding you back.
The incredible opportunity with improved health is that when you invest in taking better care of yourself, everything else improves. When you feel more energized you’re in a better mood, you respond better to challenges, you do things better with more focus, and you’re more likely make other positive choices which leads to more positive benefits. The alternative, or having low energy levels, leaves you more susceptible to procrastinating on things which makes you stay up late, choosing the convenient and unhealthy food option, or skipping out on being active throughout the day - which just makes things worse.
Overall, being healthier is simple. It comes down to being more consistent with the 3 fundamentals - exercising consistently, eating healthy, and getting enough rest. In each of those areas, I bet you know what you could do to be better... The problem isn’t a having a shortage of knowledge or ideas, it’s that you don’t have the discipline, consistency, routines, and accountability you need to actually do it. So you don’t.
But the moment you get serious about really taking care of yourself and prioritizing your health, with just small shifts to your lifestyle, you can unlock new levels of daily energy. That’s exactly why this is such a pointed opportunity to fast track your self-improvement.