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July 24, 2024

You Can't Fall Behind In Your Own Race

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Something that kills dreams and stalls people on their pursuit to becoming the best version of themselves is comparison. We live in a world where we can see the best parts of everyone’s life and it makes us question the quality of our own.

Our need to compare ourselves to others actually has evolutionary roots.

As a social species it was critical that we could assess our relative placement within our tribe. The quick metric we use to calculate that is an evaluation of power, which is a combination of physical prowess, strength of community, and attractiveness.

Perhaps that’s why so many of the world’s problems come back to people doing unethical things to obtain it…

Knowing this mechanism is in place, let’s find a more constructive and healthy way to utilize comparison by expressing it internally. This means we compete with ourselves and stop discrediting our performance because it doesn’t stand up to someone else’s.

You can’t fall behind in your own race.

When you define what winning and losing is, and make the unit of comparison your previous best or a reflection of your own effort, now you’ve created a fair playing field. And doing so requires advanced intention so that you can make an accurate comparison rather than try to see if after the fact.

And in life, I think we should be racing! There are problems to solve, memories to make, and good to be shared. We should apply ourselves fully to it. But we should be going at our pace, for our reasons, on our accord.

Rather than feeling bad about yourself that you are not living up to the ‘doing it all’ example you see in other people, how about you figure out what’s practical for you! Because comparing to others neglects all of the conditions and circumstances that are so important to consider.

And your first step to creating the fair but maximized version that represents YOUR best, not anyone else’s, is registering for the Ideal Daily Design Workshop. In one hour I walk you through an exercise that helps you set up you optimal life balance where you figure out how to integrate your career, your responsibilities, and your self-care in a harmonized way.

You can register for the Workshop here!

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