The Undisputed, Fastest Way To Change Your Life
From James Clear to Tom Bilyeu, Mel Robbins to Darren Hardy, Marie Forleo to Alex Hormozi… Personal development experts across the world all agree that there’s one thing that will most transform your life. For anyone who is setting a goal, trying to get rid of a bad habit, or trying to make positive changes to their life, 9 times out of 10 this is going to be their first recommendation.
And the craziest thing about it is, I bet it’s something that you’re not doing right now: Behavior tracking.
There’s a psychological principle called the Hawthorne Effect that states your performance improves in an area simply by being observed. Literally documenting and reflecting on what you eat makes your diet healthier. Reporting your social media usage will cause you to spend less time on your phone. You’ll even smoke less cigarettes if at the end of the day you had to fess up to how many you had.
The reason tracking drives improvement so fast is because it creates awareness. Rather than going about your life in the old pattern you’ve always had, awareness gives you the opportunity to challenge those patterns and choose different ones.
But just because it works doesn’t mean it’s easy. Maybe you’ve downloaded a habit app before, used it a few times, and then lost touch with it. Or you committed to start tracking your meals and it became too much work so you stopped.
Tracking isn’t fun, but it works. Which begs the question - are you willing to do the things that will generate the results you want in life?
Fortunately, there are ways to make your tracking easier, better, and more consistent. Accountability makes it more difficult to ignore and skip. Gamification rewards you for completing it. Having clarity of what you’re looking to improve ensures that you only track what’s critical and don’t get overwhelmed trying to track it all.
Simply put, you can’t improve what you don’t measure. That’s what tracking offers you - a clear measurement of how things are going that you can compare to how you want them to be.
The value of tracking is undisputed. And whether you know it or not, the most successful people in the world have their own tracking systems. So rather than trying to figure out how to effectively start tracking on your own, you can bypass a decade of trial and error and use my system.
In the 21 Day New Year Challenge I’m hosting that starts on Monday, you will implement the exact same performance tracking system I use on a daily basis. The Challenge gives you step-by-step instructions to create a new routine so that you can do it consistently, and gives you daily accountability from me so that you actually take it seriously.
Learn more about the Challenge, and incorporate tracking into your daily routine, at