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September 4, 2024

The Thing Everyone Notices About You

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Hey you! Yes, YOU reading this article - You’re a really great person. The fact that you’re investing time in this right now means that you genuinely care. (Cheesy but stay with me!)

You want to be a better version of yourself, and improve the way you show up in the world. And you want to inspire others to do the same so that they can also taste what it’s like to be happy, healthy, and contributing. You have so much to offer the world and you’re dedicated to making sure the world gets to see it rather than missing out on tapping into your fullest potential.

This isn’t something I’m just guessing to be true… I know it is. But sometimes it’s hard for us to see it for ourselves.

My friend David Terzibachian taught me this framework of how we’re all in our own picture frame. As a static image we can only see the things immediately around us in 2 dimensions. But someone else can see the corners and details of the picture that you can’t, and help you fill in the blindspots that are the gaps in your own understanding.

This is a really powerful concept and I imagine it’s something that will be central to Ed Mylett’s next book, which is in progress right now, with a working title “Let Me Tell You About You”.

Now here’s something I want you to ask yourself. What’s that thing that everyone notices about you? When people introduce you to others, or comment about your character, or describe you in subtle ways… Is there a theme to what comes up?

If so, it represents the energy you’re putting off to others. And if that’s the case, it’s something that is true to your core.

But maybe you have a hard time seeing it. Some examples for me: People say that I’m really consistent, and I agree with that! That’s something I’m very aware of.

People also say I’m really genuine and authentic. That’s something I am working hard on and is very important to me, but I don’t always see of myself, so it’s helpful feedback to know that maybe it’s more integrated than I give myself credit for.

What is it for you? Think about what people are saying in front of you, and also what they might be saying about you when you’re not there. And if you’re feeling really inspired to tap into this, ask the people who are closest to you directly - “When you think about me and how I show up in the world, what are the top 5 things that come to mind?”

In fact, you could send this article forward as an invitation to have someone reflect back their perspective on you!

We don’t have all the answers. Our awareness is limited. But in pursuing more awareness and being more informed about it all, we’re better positioned to be the person we’re capable of being.

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