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July 22, 2024

Systems Make People Make Systems

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Many people in their personal development focus on building new habits and taking new action to change their life. I very much agree with the idea that actions generate results, but perhaps our effort isn’t best applied to the action itself.

There’s something else that provides more effective and sustainable intervention, and it’s part of an ongoing cycle. And that thing is ‘systems’.

A system is a procedure or sequence of events that reliably leads to a certain output. Whether we realize it or not, systems run our lives behind the scene leading us into action as part of our environment.

For that reason, 'systems make people' and shape us into who we become. Built into human nature is a predisposition to take the path of least resistance. Systems are designed to maximize output for any given input, creating as little waste as possible, and therefore serve as the path to least resistance.

How do systems get there in the first place? People create them.

In order to achieve a certain result, or in response to a certain circumstance, systems are put in place to make our lives more predictable. Sometimes we architect systems unconsciously, and sometimes we build them with a specific purpose in mind. In either case, they’re implemented by people (or groups of people) to set the environment.

Systems make people, people make systems. That’s the cycle.

And if you’re looking to change your life, I’d recommend thinking about the baseline system that needs to be developed in order to get more consistent, or pull yourself into taking compelling action.

It’s not just getting in the habit of exercising, but having a plan for what workouts you’re going to do on what days.  That’s a system.

It’s not just trying to make your relationship more of a priority in your life, it’s creating a standard monthly check in process to voice any concerns or opportunities for more intimacy. That’s a system.

Think about the habits of course, but know that the real action step is to build the system that creates the habit and you’ll really start to get results!

The main system that dictates our overall life-balance, our productivity level, and our ability to prioritize our self-care is having a detailed schedule that incorporates it all.

If you want to create new awareness around how you can do it all, and build a system that supports it, register for the Ideal Daily Design Workshop I’m leading.

It's free to attend!

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