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February 5, 2025

Plant Yourself In Fertile Soil

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One of the most influential features to your life and success is your environment. In the subtlest of ways, your environment is always pushing you to take make certain choices and take certain actions. 

It’s the difference between hanging around friends who want to meet up for a workout in the morning instead of out at night for drinks. It’s the difference between having easy-access to healthy food in your pantry rather than grabbing for junk food. It’s the difference between having a good book on your nightstand over having your phone in arms reach, fully-loaded with social media posts that make you feel inadequate. 

Environment is so powerful because it influences what happens without your awareness. Of course we can easily refuse drinks, reject the junk food, or turn off our phone, but that requires us to act with consciousness. The problem is - the majority to the time we’re acting unconsciously and automatically.

Here’s a metaphor I like to use that demonstrates the power of environment. Think of the potential of a seed.

A seed has everything it needs to grow into a tall mighty tree. A seed is fully-capable yet most of the time, it doesn’t even sprout. Why? Because it’s dependent on the soil. The seed requires a certain environment to thrive.

The same seed planted in two different places can lead to two very different outcomes. When it’s in fertile soil, it grows tall and strong. When it’s planted in sand, it doesn’t even have a chance. And that’s not because there’s anything wrong with the seed. It’s just in the wrong environment.

As humans we experience the same thing. There are environmental conditions that bring out our best. The right people, opportunities, circumstances, and spaces set us up for success. But there are also environments that bring out our ‘not so best’, causing us to make choices that don’t serve us and limit our potential.

Unlike a seed, however, we can control our environment. We can choose our surroundings and therefore, shape the influence it has on us. We can plant ourselves in fertile soil and when we do, that’s when we are maximizing our growth and potential! 

If you're falling short of the level of consistency, productivity, good health habits, and impact that you know you’re capable of, it's probably because you're in the wrong soil. Choose to put yourself in a place where you can thrive and watch the results pour in! Especially if your New Year hasn’t started out how you wanted it to, get ready to thrive!

👉 Want to plant yourself in a better soil? Click here!

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