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March 6, 2025

"I'll make it up tomorrow."

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One of the most common excuses people make is that they’ll “make it up tomorrow”.

You’re too tired to get a workout in now so you’ll make sure you do it tomorrow...

You’ve got some errands on your plate today but the day has already been pretty demanding and stressful, so you’ll circle back on doing those errands tomorrow...

You’ve got some difficult phone calls to make or tasks to complete at work, and there are other things that popped up and took your time so you’ll get around to making those calls and doing those tasks tomorrow...

In the moment, it seems like a perfectly reasonable plan. It’s going to be tough to get it done today so let’s get it done tomorrow. But the problem is, ‘tomorrow’ is going to have all the same demands, inconveniences, frustrations, and distractions. That perfect moment is never going to come and truly, by postponing a day you’re delaying the inevitable.

This rationalization of “I’ll make it up tomorrow” is a version of self-sabotage. Self-sabotage is your unconscious mind’s way of getting you to avoid taking actions that are uncomfortable. It uses things like distraction, self-doubt, procrastination, confusion, fear, and others to do so. In this case, the ‘rationalization’ convinces you that you’re making a good decision, where delaying action seems logical to you, but all that’s doing is keeping you from doing the uncomfortable thing you know you need to do.

The antidote to self-sabotage is self-discipline. Doing what you said you were going to do even when you don’t feel like it. When you’re self-disciplined and follow through on your commitments then you can overcome your mind’s sabotaging attempts to make you stop.

But… Easier said than done.

It’s scary to market yourself and be bold about growing your business. But self-discipline inspires you to be courageous.

You might feel like a fraud when someone invites you to be on their podcast, speak at their event, or ask for your advice. But self-discipline helps you take action even when you feel like an imposter.

You might want to make constant tweaks to that project before you finalize it like a perfectionist. But self-discipline keeps you accountable to meeting the deadline.

Cultivating a sense of self-discipline instills within you a sense of self-trust. It empowers you to make things work, be more consistent, and show up more for your life. It’ll inspire you to take action today and that you don’t need to put it off.

Because the reality is this, and I’m borrowing the words of Jim Rohn: “You could have done that anyway”. The workout and the bold action and the errands… Each day is a new opportunity to attack all of these things. And ‘making it up tomorrow’ is just an excuse that keeps you from stepping into your fullest potential today. 

So what are you waiting for? Tomorrow is a day that never comes. Live today. And if you want to start making the most out of life, and cultivating the self-discipline you need to show up consistently in every area of your life, then check this out!

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