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February 6, 2025

"Greatness doesn't judge."

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One of the things that holds people back the most is the judgment and criticism of others. Many people don’t put themselves out there, try new things, or take action on their dreams because they’re concerned with how it might look to others. But "Greatness doesn't judge."

But those who achieve at the highest level, who take risks and make their dreams a reality, they see others differently. Greatness respects the process and appreciates those who are willing to put themselves in the arena.

The famous YouTuber doesn’t judge an amateur putting out low-quality content. They know it took them time and refinement to get there.

The pro basketball player doesn’t judge the kid who’s missing layups, they see the practice going in to perfect the shot.

The successful entrepreneur doesn’t criticize someone else’s cringy sales call, they know that it takes reps to become more confident and convincing.

Anyone who has achieved anything started as a beginner themselves. And when they started there were many others alongside them who didn’t make it... Who let the judgment and criticism keep them from sticking with it. Someone who's great knows that success starts ugly, and there are enough forces out there already trying to tear people down, so they’d prefer to be a voice that uplifts, encourages, and inspires so that you can taste how good it is to make your dreams come true too.

I’ve seen this in my own experience. I’ve been able to connect with people who seemed ‘untouchable’ because I stayed in the game. I didn't give up and stayed persistent in my reaching out and taking action, and they noticed. It honestly doesn’t take much to stand out these days…

So my encouragement to you is to dedicate yourself to your craft. That thing that you really want to create, or that person you want to become, commit yourself to it. Tune out the distractions and stay focused. Because after enough time passes and you acquire more experience, you won’t be the beginner any more, and you’ll see other people just getting started and want to cheer them on toward their greatness.

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