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October 2, 2024

Find Energizers

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One of the founding fathers of personal development, Jim Rohn, is known for saying "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." This suggests that who we choose to surround ourselves with matters and plays a huge role in determining the arc of our life’s trajectory.

We’re social creatures by design. Our survival once depended on our ability to fit in with a group, which is why we unconsciously incorporate the behaviors of those around us. This means we adopt the health choices, spending habits, and interests of those around us without even realizing it.

Just like you pick up your pace when you’re walking with someone who is a fast walker, our habits, mindset, and actions are shaped by the people we’re surrounded by. 

Darren Hardy in “The Compound Effect” says there are two types of people - “Engines” and “Anchors.” Engines are the people who fire you up, encouraging you to think bigger, take bold actions, and become the best version of yourself. Anchors are the ones who weigh you down with negativity, doubt, or complacency. The key is to seek out and surround yourself with engines - the energizers who push you forward.

So take stock of your current circle. Who lifts you up and gets you excited about the future? Who might be holding you back? By intentionally curating your relationships, you’ll find that the right people can make all the difference in helping you achieve your goals. 

It’s in pursuit of being all that we can be where we find happiness, and the people that are most likely to help you tap into that are energizers. If one person comes to mind who’s an energizer, and you’re feeling inspired to change your life right now, reach out to them and tell them you want to spend more time with them.

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