Connecting Productivity And Intentionality
I don’t know about you, but my best days are the days that I’m most productive. The days when I’m brushing my teeth, looking in the mirror before going to bed when I feel like I really made progress on things that are important to me. When I spend time with people and activities I genuinely enjoy. When I feel like I applied myself fully and wasn’t held back.
Of course this includes the things I got done at work, but productivity is a much broader concept than how much work you did. Productivity is simply doing the things you want to do, and that’s in work, play, and love. The days I feel most fulfilled I feel like I spent my time exactly how I wanted to, balancing all of my commitments and responsibilities in really elegant ways. Living a more productive life is actually very simple. It’s spending time doing the right things. The most difficult part is knowing what those right things are.
That’s where intentionality comes in. Being intentional is about investing yourself in the right things. You limit distraction by being laser focused on how you want to be spending your time, which connects all the way back up to your vision and goals. Intentionality is the art of knowing what you want, who you want to be, and making commitments to doing the things that accelerate you toward becoming it.
Intentionality is about intentions. It’s how you want to live and seeing your activity through a lens of purpose and being really deliberate with your choices. It’s a North Star that you define through reflection and introspection. This means that productivity is just the process of living your intentions - Creating the right balance, making your priorities a priority, and controlling the ways you invest your time. It’s the translation of your intentions into your day and the things that you do.
In other words, intention is the idea and productivity is the action.
It’s easier said than done, I know. In life there are competing commitments, new responsibilities, and urgent things that come up causing you to neglect other things that are important. But the better awareness you have around what you want, the more intentional you can be, and the more likely it is you fill your time with the things that bring you the most fulfillment.
If you think I can help you start taking control of your life and succeeding in doing the things you struggle with, but that know are best for you, let’s find a time to chat. I consider myself to be a productivity and intentional living coach, and I’m here for you. Click this to schedule a time to connect!