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July 26, 2024

Clarity Creates Confidence

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One of the most important elements of our personal development is clarity.

In our efforts to improve our lives and contribute to the world, we’re only fractionally effective if we don’t have clarity. Knowing what result you want to create, what strategies to employ in creating it, and what tactics execute the strategy are critical to maximizing the impact. 

Having said that, let’s be practical of the fact that you can never have 100% clarity. We’re always limited by our awareness and our task is to do our best with the context and information we’re given.

However, when you know what you’re working toward and you’re clear on how you’re going to make progress on it, it gives you confidence. Maybe you’re not placing the perfectly right bet, or maybe there are some things that you don’t know to consider, but clarity helps you make a decision you believe in.

It reminds me of what Tom Bilyeu of Impact Theory says:  “When you’re presented with 1000 open doors, it’s your job to know which 999 to close.”

While you don’t know perfectly well what’s on the other side of any of those doors, you’re making a confident decision that you believe maximizes the likelihood of getting the desired result.

To gain clarity on anything the most important question to ask is “What do I want?” 

To get clear on questions you have about a romantic relationship, to understand if the sacrifices you’re making for your work are worth it, as you’re debating whether to choose fries or salad…

“What do I want?”

And not just the immediate ‘want’ but the long term, full-life vision of what you want for your life. Every time you take a disciplined and faithful step toward that, it reinforces your belief and confidence.

If that long term vision is too hard to see, then you can start with using inversion and identifying what you don’t want, and use the process of elimination.

Clarity starts with the self-awareness of knowing what you want, transfers into knowing how to create it, and requires follow through so that it’s more likely to happen. When you have all that in place, it instills confidence.

Do you have clarity on how you want to spend your time? Watch the Replay of the live session I created about building your Ideal Daily Design. It will help you strike that perfect balance and support you in being more consistent in your health routines, more dialed in during your working hours, and more present with your loved ones.

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